Monday, August 24, 2020


                                                               BLACK FLAG 2020

A Black Flag is flown as a sign of mourning, danger, and penalty. Our American stars and stripes are in dire straights as our constitution is breached by the presidents’ attempt to suppress voting. The COVID -19 pandemic has ravaged all 50 states, killing an American every 80 seconds. Americans are dying at the same rate as those who died in World War II. The economy is in shambles with 1 in every 5 American unemployed. The climate crisis is imploding as our planet is plagued with wild fires, extreme heat and weather events. In our executive branch we have seen the president lie over 20,000 times, promote racism, sexism and all manner of disregard for Americans. The executive branch of government is sowing hate and division.

Displaying a U.S. flag upside down is a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property. We are in extreme danger in every corner of our country. The first four paintings represent the four directions - Eastern Light, Northern Divide, Westward and Southern Whitewash.